Our Vision

Impacting life with the scripture

Our Mission

Reaching out to the people through Language Development and Bible Translation

Core Values

  • Respect for the word of God
  • Preserving Mother Tongue
  • Maintaining positive relationship amongst languages.


  • Training translators in translation principles

  • Training translators in exegesis

  • Consultant checking workshop

  • Oral Bible Translation workshop

  • Oral Bible Storytelling workshop

  • Ethno-Arts –Songs, Dances, Drama, Arts workshop

  • Orthography Development workshop

  • Visiting communities

  • Care for new converts

  • Helping other translation agencies in oral Bible storytelling

OBS Workshop

Historical Background

The Luke Partnership International came to Bayara in Bauchi, Bauchi State in 2006 to start Bible Translation Activities. Their concern was to translate the Bible into some of the languages of Bauchi state, as well as to produce the Jesus Film in the Languages. The Bauchi state Languages that were involved in the Luke Partnership International Bible Translation are: Jaar, Zaar, Geji, Zul, Warji, and Miya. The Translation of the Book of Luke in the Bible and the Jesus Film for the respective Languages were achieved. So, Luke Partnership left. There was no Bible Translation for some time. Jaar Language was invited to participate in a Translation Workshop in the NBTT Jos after some time, so Jaar continued in the Bible Translation. The other Languages were not invited. This prompted Ahmed Madiya Usman and Joseph Goje to think of how to encourage the other languages.

As a result of this idea a meeting was called for and the Languages (Jaar, Geji, Zul, Warji, Zaar, and Miya) attended on 14th February, 2015. The idea of forming an association in order to sustain the Luke translation as well as to make progress was tabled before them and it was unanimously agreed. Hence an association was initiated. A legal practitioner Barr. (Mrs) Grace Emmanuel Kaka was approached for advice, she advised that the registration of the association should be that of the Corporate Affairs Commission. Efforts were made and the Corporate Affairs Commission Registration was done on 8th August, 2015. Reg no. 8024Is LDBT.

The Seed Company of the USA came to know about the LDBT so they indicated interest to partner with the LDBT in the Bible Translation. They started by supporting the LDBT with the Geji and Zul Bible Translation as a cluster Project in June, 2016.

Thereafter in march, 2017, the Oral Bible Storytelling was organized for five Languages namely: Baraza, Buli, Ribina, Tala and Zakshi. The Seed Company also supported these as well as Kamwe, Lala and Waja Languages.

Dreams and Future Goals

  • Getting more languages involved in Bible translation

  • Developing endangered languages

  • Helping and encouraging persecuted Churches in northeast, north-central and northwest of Nigeria due to insurgency.

  • Establishing a discipleship foundation center to cater for new converts

  • Establishing Biblical languages and mother tongues learning center

    Miya is a West Chadic language spoken in Bauchi State in northeastern Nigeria, particlarly in Miya Town in Ganjuwa Local Government Area. Miya is currently among the Bible translation projects LDBT is involved in and if you want to know more about Miya click here.



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